Westside Brewers

Westside Brewers comes to Ohio

Westside Brewers comes to Ohio

Westside Brewers comes to Ohio

Brewer #4 was in Ohio for a week-plus, around July 4th.  Driving out instead of flying meant lots of car space for some Westside bombers to share with his Cincinnati homies.

The locals were NOT scared off by the strange new ideas being tried out in B’more.  Sours?  Weizenbock?  Horse blanket?!?!  Quite the contrary — they were all in, and excited by the overall awesomeness.  I am told that Westside is welcome back anytime.  Perhaps some of the upcoming big beer series will make it out to Ohio next time…

OK, so how is it again that you "represent"?  And when do we get to drink?

OK, so how is it again that you “represent”? And when do we get to drink?

Cooling off with some Westside (#1, #3, #10)

Cooling off with some Westside (#1, #3, #10)

Representing at Madtree

Representing at Madtree

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